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Case Study

Comparing Asset Preservation Methods

The client wanted to determine the best preservation method for its components – to reduce corrosion during storage and transport.
Originally employing Reactive Copper Technology, the company compared this option with Daywalk’s Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (eVCI) solution, to see whether the eVCI technology represented an effective alternative to protect its components.

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steel pallet storage for components in a warehouse


Existing timber storage pallets unsafe and not compliant. The demands of mining requires many warehouse operations to keep up with operational targets, therefore rendering some warehouses unsafe. Many heavy industry companies use pallet racking which consequently support timber pallets with components strapped to them.

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heavy equipment on a pallet

Samson Controls

Existing control valve timber shipping frames were unsafe and not compliant. Global flow control solutions company Samson had challenges with control valves being sent from site for repair on old, unrated timber frames. These timber frames were deemed unsafe for transport back to sites, due to a fear of noncompliance to Chain of Responsibility legislation. Samson needed a durable, compliant transport system that could safely transport serviced valves back to site, and be safely reused multiple times.

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man in inventory


Managing and implementing CoR compliant transport practices. Industry leading mining and cement equipment supplier, FLSmidth, had a challenge around training their operators in CoR compliant transport methods for equipment being dispatched from their facilities. The company did not have a documented benchmark system as to what was acceptable and unacceptable for transport of their heavy equipment. With heavy penalties for breach of CoR laws, management was concerned about how to best approach and manage CoR obligations.

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