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You're Safe

Strengthening the Chain of Responsibility. Together we are responsible.

Online Chain of Responsibility Training

In collaboration with our RTO partners, the Daywalk Online CoR Safety Program delivers Nationally Recognised Training (accredited) courses which assist in applying chain of responsibility legislation, regulations and workplace procedures.

Courses include:

  • Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) (Nationally Recognised Training Unit TLIF0009)
  • Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) (Nationally Recognised Training Unit TLIF0014)
  • Introduction to Chain of Responsibility (Not Nationally Recognised Training)

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man conducting training

Chain of Responsibility
in Theory & Practice

Daywalk, formerly Omni-tuff, holds specialised training sessions for end users and vendors which cover the key aspects of Chain of Responsibility for packers and loaders. The sessions are either hosted by Daywalk at a training facility or on site depending on your needs.

The sessions facilitate collaboration and discussion about challenges attendees are experiencing during the transport of heavy equipment including rotatable equipment and cylindrical items.

Training is available either in a face-to-face environment or online and can be provided to any group or classroom size required.

Complex Transport Principles Made Practical

During our face-to-face sessions, we particularly focus on Heavy Industry and the transport of large industrial equipment. We apply engineering principles to help make complex topics more practical. During the session, attendees gain a deeper understanding of how the Heavy Vehicle National Law applies specifically to their role and they are provided with practical ways to meet their individual obligations.The session covers key facts and myths relating to Load Restraint and include guidance on risks to look out for such as low friction or high centre of gravity.

Chain of Responsibility Training

You can choose from Nationally Recognised Training (accredited) Level 1 & Level 2, or non-accredited introduction courses.


Accredited (Nationally Recognised Training) courses:

Please select your course

Chain of Responsibility Level 1

TLIF0009: Ensure the safety of transport activities
(Chain of Responsibility)

The TLIF0009 unit of competency provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to ensure the safety of transport activities, including identifying features and applying CoR obligations of the HVNL and identifying and reporting CoR hazards and risks.

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Chain of Responsibility Level 2

TLIF0014: Monitor the safety of transport activities
(Chain of Responsibility)

The TLIF0014 unit of competency provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to monitor the safety of transport activities, including determining and monitoring chain of responsibility features in the HVNL, administering and monitoring CoR workplace policies and procedures and identifying and reporting CoR risks.

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Chain of Responsibility Intro

Introduction to Chain of Responsibility
(Online Non accredited training)

A simple 30 minute introduction to
Chain of Responsibility principles

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Chain of Responsibility Basic

Basic Chain of Responsibility
(Online Non accredited training)

Apply Chain of responsibility Legislation, Regulations and Workplace
Procedures – Basic Version (Non-Accredited) Online

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