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Home Blogs A bit of science behind your biggest pain point.
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A bit of science behind your biggest pain point.

The thing that our global economy invests $2.2 trillion per annum into. The issue that can be avoided. The issue that when avoided, prevents unnecessary wastage of resources. Corrosion.

Despite the current economic situation that faces many companies today, there is a way to overcome these challenges; Corrosion Control. Instead of achieving project construction in the cheapest, quickest way, consider the following: if you need to delay project completion at a later date due to parts, equipment or spares that are corroding, what is the gain in getting the ‘cheapest deal’ in the first instance?

According to our studies, if metal components are protected adequately from corrosion and rust creep, companies can save up to 95% of costs that would have to be otherwise invested in the cost of re-working rusted components.

Long term protection for critical spares and equipment is becoming increasingly critical. Through proactively preventing corrosion damage, companies can preserve what they currently own without wasting valuable funds on replacing damaged or corroded assets.

Need more advice or evidence of our research? Call our consultants on 1300 662 987, check out our latest videos on YouTube, jump onto or flick us an email at

We are passionate about helping you achieve effective asset management and corrosion prevention.