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Home Blogs Assembly guide for 13-PSS800C/INT 13-PSS500C/INT
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Assembly guide for 13-PSS800C/INT 13-PSS500C/INT

Daywalk’s International Cages are ideal for budget storage and handling purposes. For added durability, it is designed to have anti-tipping bars, mesh sides, and a sheet flooring. We provide you an instruction manual on assembly for 3-PSS800C/INT 13-PSS500C/INT.

Video Transcription

International Cage Instruction Manual
By: Daywalk

1. Lift and place the cage sides
2. Lift and place the gate into place. Ensure you utilize the technique in this video.
3. Ensure the gate is brought in from the back, as low as possible.
4. Finally, latch the gates on each side.
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