The present global economic system, both for consumers and businesses, sometimes requires us to consume and throw away goods. Yet for the best interests of business, the economy, and the environment, we need longer-lasting or long-term solutions to make goods, products, and materials last longer, or at least manufacture things that have longer-lasting solutions. Long-term solutions – such as the use of metal rather than wood – can offer enhanced value while reducing environmental impacts. For example, would it not be better to manufacture sturdier steel pallet products that are affordable rather than producing cheaper timber pallets that entail cutting down more and more trees for wood? Perhaps it’s time for companies to use better quality products and invest more in upgrading, product support, and repair.
Steel vs timber
The advantages of steel over timber when it comes to long-lasting solutions is a no brainer. While it may take more energy to produce metal products, such as steel pallets, steel lasts ten times longer than timber and wood-based products. Damaged metal can be recycled and made into the same product before or into other products. On the other hand, while wood needs less energy to produce, more wood entails cutting down more trees and will cause environmental damage. Wood also has a shorter lifespan than metal and is more prone to damage. Wood is easily recycled but into other products, not into its original form.
What are leading-edge companies doing?
Naturally, seeing the longer-lasting solutions of metal pallets, leading-edge companies are gradually replacing their wooden pallet stocks. These companies have seen the significant advantages of steel pallets based on safety, repair and maintenance, cleanliness, and other factors.
Steel pallets
Adaptable to any kind of climatic conditions.
Completely fireproof and is not fire fuel.
Easily cleaned and laid out for organised storage.
Almost maintenance-free and will last many years if rust-protected.
Non-breakable, doesn’t contaminate, and easily decontaminated.
Timber pallets
Wood gets stiff or brittle under extreme climatic conditions.
Wood is a fire hazard and provides fuel to fire.
Harbour bugs, fungus, and other contaminants can easily contaminate; very hard to clean and decontaminate.
Easily damaged and breakable after only a few months; not 100% effective anymore after repairs.
Wood causes splinters and protruding nails when damaged.
As a longer-lasting solution protecting environmental obligations, metal and steel pallets produce little or no wastage at all. Whether in transit or storage, the durability of steel pallets ensure that goods and products are not crushed, damaged, or dented as a result of timber pallets. Again, there is less wastage. And most important of all, no trees need to be cut to manufacture steel pallets.
Ready to discuss your needs for the steel pallet for sustainable operations and longer-lasting solutions? Talk to the Daywalk team by calling us on 1300 662 987. You can also send your enquiries here, and we will respond promptly. We provide systems and solutions to complicated storage and transport challenges. We are ready to talk over your latest ideas and challenges in safe storage and transport.